I'm Worth It

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

I'm Worth It

‘I'm worth it!’ the woman said, tossing her harmoniously dancing hair and showing the shampoo in her hand. In the next advertisement, there was a car with an astonishing colour. There, too, a man was saying, ‘You are worth it.’ What was really worth it in human life? A good house, car, job or a good wife or children? Human beings consider themselves very valuable. They want the best of everything for themselves. Even when choosing a watermelon, they want the juiciest and most delicious one. So, what is ‘the most beautiful’ for them? Have they ever struggled to reach the most beautiful? 

My friend who came to visit was complaining about his children. One of them was playing computer games for hours. ‘So much so that he doesn't want to do anything except eating and toilet breaks.’ The other child did not go to school and was almost failed in attendance. ‘See, they didn't even come here with us. How nice that your children welcome us and help us with the service.’ 

People may have problems with their children. It is really strange to think that criticising and complaining is a solution to this problem. On top of that, human beings make fun of those who want to solve their own problems and struggle. I could have offended him as he offended me. I decided to ask questions to benefit my friend, to awaken his consciousness. 

How much did you pay for your son's private course this year? I think you said that he also failed in the private school he went to. How much did these two institutions cost to you? 

Well, of course we spent a lot of money, but you know that the child's education is important to us. 

Well, how important are you for yourself? Is your individual development less important than the school your son doesn't go to? Or think like this, when a mother is better, stronger, aren't her children better? Aren't children happier when mothers are happy? Why are you closing a door that gives you the right methods to prepare your child for life? Aren't you worth it? I give that value to myself.  

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

You may be right, but it's easy for you to say. Your children are active in life, working and you are very lucky. They are not addicted to games or mobile phones. 

Experiential Design Teaching says; ‘The parent who raises, not the one who nurtures, is valuable. Parents should raise their children in the school of life as trainees and prepare them for life.’

Am I lucky or are they lucky? I could have put all my opportunities in front of them. Instead, I preferred to prepare them for life. Encouraging them to build their own opportunities is an option. Isn't that more valuable than giving them that opportunity? Is it a chance or a choice? There is a great deal of labour, patience and experience behind this project. 

Well, as a matter of fact, that's true. No one is born with the upbringing of their mother. We made a mistake somewhere, but we couldn't find where. 

Based on what we learnt, we first showed our children the sword of a friend. The sword of a friend is meant to strengthen a person, while the sword of an enemy is meant to wound. Not training our children and only sharing our opportunities cannot be friendship. No human being can use the opportunity he does not deserve efficiently when it is given to him. The clothes he does not deserve will look crooked on a person. I advise you to show your children the sword of a friend. I hope I have not offended or upset you. My aim was to share my experiences rather than to interfere in your business.

In fact, these are the facts that we know, but we do not think and test, and we cannot see the benefit because we do not put them into practice. 

I am sure of your good intentions, my friend, thank you, you have made me look from a different perspective, I will consider these.

We have to use our authority and responsibility over our children well. Because after a while they will use their own authority and responsibility. Therefore, we need the right methods and real information before that day comes. It is necessary to to guide and tell them about the risks and problems they will face in life before they encounter them. If they have this knowledge, they will feel comfortable and make the right choices. How can a person make a decision without knowing what the choices will bring? If we can give this to them, that is, to understand the choices. The rest is already their decision and life. 

Human beings seek the best of everything in life. They deem themselves worthy of the best. But when it is said that there is information that will provide ‘Healing’ in all aspects of their lives, they immediately become doubting. How can one be ‘good’ without making an effort to achieve ‘good’?

‘I am worth it.’

Yes, you are worth it! You are worth learning the methods that will make you happier and more successful in life than yesterday. As long as you open yourself to learning. Don't limit yourself by saying ‘These are things I already know’. Only then will you realise the real you...

Experiential Design Teaching enables us to make our lives easier with consistent, applicable, understandable and useful information. With this information, people learn how to communicate more effectively with their family, friends and customers


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